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How to get out of a funk

Life is a beautiful journey filled with ups and downs, but sometimes we find ourselves stuck in a “funk” – that space where everything seems a bit off, motivation is lacking, and joy feels distant. As a psychotherapist, I understand that these phases are natural, yet I also know that
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Emotional Eating Issues

Am I an Emotional Eater? Am I an emotional eater?  Emotional eating is where food is no longer just fuel for your body but rather used as a coping mechanism that helps deal with your emotions.  Food becomes an escape or a tool to control uncomfortable or unpleasant feelings when they
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Consistency Over Time

For 11 months, each week for 1 minute I watered a dormant orchid. After about 6 months the 2 green leaves on top bloomed, and after another 4 months buds started appearing. In the past 2 weeks the buds opened up. Throughout these last few months it took faith, patience, and
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How to get out of a funk

Life is a beautiful journey filled with ups and downs, but sometimes we find ourselves stuck in a “funk” – that space where everything seems a bit off, motivation is lacking, and joy feels distant. As a psychotherapist, I understand that these phases are natural, yet I also know that there
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